Sermons on Faithfulness of God (Page 2)

Sermons on Faithfulness of God (Page 2)

The Faithfulness of God in the Foolishness of Man (Genesis 12:10-13:1)

There will be moments and seasons in your life, following a period of fruitfulness, where the appearance of your circumstances matches the curse, rather than the blessing. When you look out upon the land (figuratively speaking) God has given you, and you see famine rather than promise. You see the…

Sustained by the Intecession of Jesus (Luke 22:31-38)

In a show of tremendous knowledge aforethought by Jesus, he exposes the weakness, fragility, and feebleness in the heart of Peter. Peter will deny that he knows Jesus. Now, this is not a rejection of the heart, to betray Jesus as did Judas, but Peter is exposed, weakness laid bare. Jesus brings…

Faithful to the End (Luke 21:5-36)

In this passage, often called The Olivet Discourse, there is one central theme, the so-called “end-times.” As his return is imminent, Jesus calls his people to be faithful. In this passage, Jesus is giving the necessary conditions in which he will return to judge the world. These conditions are marked by terror and destruction. There are two events in view. First, the…

Do Not Be Anxious (Luke 12:22-34)

In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples to not be anxious or worried about whether or not the they will have the basic provisions of life. In contrast to the wealthy man who built up a temporary treasure but was left eternally impoverished, the follower of Jesus is free to make the Kingdom of God their priority, knowing that God, the good father, will provide all…

A Faithless and Twisted Generation (Luke 9:37-50)

The cross was not central in the lives of the disciples. When the cross is not central, the things of God become twisted. The disciples had no ability to drive out the demon because they were not living by faith in Jesus, but rather, in self-reliance. If you live in self-reliance, arrogance will be…

The Sovereignty of the (real) King (1 Kings 18:1-2, 17-19)

In this passage, we see that Yahweh is the God of life, not the false idols we create in our own lives. Baal (the rain god of life) had no power to actually make it rain and sustain people. Yahweh, on the other had, is fully capable of bringing and sustaining life, physical and spiritual, and does…

The Sufficiency of Obedience (1 Kings 17:1-16)

The second sermon from the series “The Kingdom of the Otherwise,” based on the life of Elijah and Elisha from 1 and 2 Kings. In this series we look at what it means to live in full obedience to God. We see the repercussions of disobedience as well as the hope of obedience. We always…

The Master of Justice (Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:6)

Knowing that God is sovereign over the wickedness and injustice that permeates this world and will one day judge all things in perfect justice, righteousness and love, allows us to be content with the gifts we have been given from God and not contribute to injustice by striving to gain more than what we need because of envy of those around us.