Sermons on Blessing

Sermons on Blessing

The Prosperity of the King (Genesis 49:1-28)

Since that is the case, the descendants of the brothers, who align with the descendants, and ultimately, the descendant of Judah, experience this prosperity associated with this ruler. Of course, we see the prosperity in Israel under David and Solomon. But ultimately, we experience this prosperity only in the ultimate ruler, the king of Kings that John refers to as the…

Living Free in the Power of the Resurrection (Philippians 3:1-11)

Gordan Fee sums up this passage by saying, the Christian life “means to be finished with one’s religious past as having value before God or as a means of right relationship with God; it means to trust wholly in Christ as God’s means to righteousness. But such righteousness has as its ultimate aim…

Clinging to the LORD (Genesis 32:22-32)

We are nearing the end of Jacob’s exile narrative, that occurred over the period of 20 years, and began back in chapter 28. On that day, Jacob, a greedy, deceitful, conniving man, fled empty-handed and alone from the promised land to the pagan land of Haran. On his way out, the LORD appeared to him at Beth-el with a promise to return him to the land. Upon receiving this…

Because God is With Us, Part 2 (Genesis 26:17-35)

…The very day Isaac makes peace with his enemies, the well springs forth water, showing God’s bountiful provision to Isaac in the context of peace. It’s one thing to have a well when your enemies quarrel over it. It’s another to have a well in a land of famine while at formal, certified,…

Because God is With Us, Part 1 (Genesis 26:1-17)

THE CHARGE: Meet the conditions of the covenant. And then, having met the conditions of the covenant, day by day, actively reckon as true the promise of God’s presence in your life. Hold fast to Jesus’s closing words from the Gospel of Matthew, given immediately following his charge to the…

The Blessing of the Birthright (Genesis 21:8-21)

So though they remained children of illegitimate birth, had they understood how God’s promises come to those of legitimate birth, they could have humbled themselves under the covenant promises, and laid hold of them by faith. Just as Ruth believed by faith a Moabite could find a home in Israel and…

Living in the Sure Promises of God (Genesis 12:1-9)

Called out to follow Jesus to an eternal land of inheritance, God sends his righteous people out across the earth to declare and demonstrate God’s claim upon the earth, doing as Abram did, building altars across the land, monuments that declare God’s authority and dominion over the earth. Through…

Blessed are… (Luke 6:20-26)

Jesus begins orienting his disciples to the expectations of Kingdom life. Jesus’ first sermon in Luke is packed with some very counter-cultural and subversive truths that ought to be deeply challenging. Blessed (soul-happy) are those impoverished, hungry, aware of sin, and persecuted but woe (warning of disaster) to those who are rich with satisfied appetites when…
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