6 Values We Embody

6 Values We Embody

In order to effectively lives our God’s purposes for our lives and align to his mission, we seek to embody 6 key gospel “values”. These values help guide our practice as people who responded to the Gospel and desire to live in the fullness of God’s salvation to us in Jesus Christ.

  1. Gospel Proclamation: Knowing God through Christ compels us to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and all the fullness of salvation and life in Jesus Christ. As a local church, we structure the Sunday worship services around the preaching of God’s Word and sound theology. We also seek to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through every avenue available to us, whether at work, at play, or on a mission trip.
  1. Holistic Worship: Knowing God through Christ compels us to proclaim the glory of God by living an awe-centered life in worship to Him, honoring Him with our hearts and conduct in everything we do. Our entire life worships God when we use our lives for His glory. We do nothing with vain or careless words and actions, including the songs we sing on Sunday and the work we do throughout the week.
  1. Invitational Hospitality: Knowing God through Christ compels us to intentionally invite others into lives and homes in order to testify to the Lord through biblical hospitality. We also intentionally invite others to participate with us in the fellowship and communion of the Church, first calling them to repent and follow Christ, and then helping them participate in the mission of the God’s people. We intentionally seek to build relationships with people around us in order to be a true friend who loves them and seeks their eternal welfare.
  1. Mature Discipleship: Knowing God through Christ compels us through grace to grow in Christ-likeness and maturity as His disciples. This means aligning ourselves with all His Kingdom statutes and principles, holding fast to a sincere faith, according ourselves to sound doctrine, pursuing holiness, and personally participating in the biblical process of making disciples.
  1. Incarnational Mission: Knowing God through Christ compels us to live on mission among our neighbors, bearing witness to God’s love and mercy, as a light set on the hill in the midst of darkness.
  1. Contented Life: Knowing God through Christ compels us to enjoy the abundant gifts God gives us and seek peace and contentment with our lot in life. Whatever our circumstance, we give God thanks and praise, as people filled with hope and joy. Living in thankfulness, joy, and contentment honors God and pleases Him. We seek to forsake envy and greed which leads only to accumulating more possessions than we need and sidelining the full scope of Christian mission. We seek enjoy what we have, knowing that our future, eternal wealth is far beyond comparison of anything gained in this life.


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