Sermons on Trusting Jesus

Sermons on Trusting Jesus

August 27, Sunday Service of Worship

INVITATION TO WORSHIP: Psalm 46:1–7; OPENING PRAYER; ANNOUNCEMENTS; CATECHISM: Q. 25, p. 869; CONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 46:10–11; SONG: Be Thou My Vision; SONG: Nothing But The Blood; PREACHING THE WORD: Acts 27:1–44,I Believe God; SONG: Hallelujah, What a Savior; SONG: I Have Decided; BENEDICTION

The Consequences of Bypassing Faith (Genesis 16:1-16)

Here’s the narrative background. God promised a son to Abram and Sarai. Not just a son, descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky and the sand of the ocean’s beaches. This promise was first given to Abram when he was a pagan, living in his father’s land of Haran, unknowing of the Lord Most…

The Perfectly Normal Experience of the Christian Life as Seen Through the Faith of Abraham (Genesis 15:1-21)

In the perfectly normal experience of the Christian life… 1. The Lord assuages our fears with himself and affirms a promise of reward2. Even for the steadfast, doubt often comingles with belief3. God always brings…

A Faithless and Twisted Generation (Luke 9:37-50)

The cross was not central in the lives of the disciples. When the cross is not central, the things of God become twisted. The disciples had no ability to drive out the demon because they were not living by faith in Jesus, but rather, in self-reliance. If you live in self-reliance, arrogance will be…
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