Theological Affiliations

Theological Affiliations

We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention (MWBC), and the Southern Wisconsin Baptist Association (SWBA). We also maintain affiliation with The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and hold the general theological convictions of the SBC as outlined in the The Baptist Faith and Message  as well as the Confessional Statement  of TGC. We also seek to live out Christian mission in such as way that is faithful to the whole of Scripture as outlined by TGC in this Theological Vision for Ministry. We choose affiliations as an avenue of partnership and fellowship with other Christians in order to accomplish more together than we could alone. Our affiliations do not bind us, nor fully explain everything we believe in terms of doctrine and practice.

Even though we affiliate with the SBC, we do not look or act like many traditional “southern” Baptist churches in our form and phraseology (this is the great North after all). We do seek to function and exist as a biblical church that uses the Scriptures as our basis for living and strives to align ourselves to everything that God desires for a local church. Our commitment to God and his Word supersedes any affiliations that we choose.