Sermons on God's Presence

Sermons on God's Presence

The LORD’s Unseen Faithfulness (Genesis 29:1-35)

(NOTE: The audio track is a bit muted, so it may be difficult to hear) And unbeknownst to her (though understood by the first readers of this passage, the nation of Israel as they set their minds to leave the desert and enter the promised land), the LORD was working in her circumstances to fulfill…

Redeeming Our Days (Psalm 90:1-17)

This year, look to Christ. Look upon God’s steadfast love. And look by faith. Believing upon a Savior powerful enough to cry out with his last breath in crucifixion and walk glorified from the grave. In Christ, the glorious power of God’s work is shown to his servants; a work of power bringing restoration of joy and gladness to evil days, for in Christ, we experience…

Heaven as the Hope for Mission (Revelation 7:9-17)

In a sealed future, the King dwells in all his fullness with a multitude of redeemed people who washed themselves clean in the blood of the Lamb This is not merely a statement of future hope, as though we simply sit around looking forward to that day. More than that, John’s revelation necessitates…

Because God is With Us, Part 1 (Genesis 26:1-17)

THE CHARGE: Meet the conditions of the covenant. And then, having met the conditions of the covenant, day by day, actively reckon as true the promise of God’s presence in your life. Hold fast to Jesus’s closing words from the Gospel of Matthew, given immediately following his charge to the…