Sermons on Daily Bread

Sermons on Daily Bread

Building Your Life Upon the Rock (Matthew 7:13-29)

Jesus Christ is the only sure foundation for life. And those who enter by the narrow gate build their life upon that rock. And building one’s life upon Jesus Christ means nothing less than acting in obedience to his word. Matthew 7:24-25 Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them…

The Broken Vending Machine (Luke 11:1-13)

Sometimes it seems as though God is broken. We put in the right change. Pressed the right buttons. But God didn’t give us what we asked for. God is not broken. He is not a vending machine. He is a holy Father who loves His children and is always pleased to give His children good gifts. Sit at the feet of Jesus to learn how we communicate and relate to our mighty,…