Sermons on God's Dwelling Place

Sermons on God's Dwelling Place

Redeeming Our Days (Psalm 90:1-17)

This year, look to Christ. Look upon God’s steadfast love. And look by faith. Believing upon a Savior powerful enough to cry out with his last breath in crucifixion and walk glorified from the grave. In Christ, the glorious power of God’s work is shown to his servants; a work of power bringing restoration of joy and gladness to evil days, for in Christ, we experience…

In the Beginning (Genesis 1:1-2:3)

We are beginning a new series in Genesis. Which should prove to be a fascinating series. This book is chock full of captivating and pertinent stories. And it sets the stage for the major themes in Scripture. Genesis 1 is a prophetic declaration of the King’s dominion over all things and it serves as a corrective to pagan myths and establishes the one truth God as king…

Servants of God in Submission and Suffering (1 Peter 2:13-25)

As the very dwelling place of God, Christians ought to live righteously by living in proper submission to all in authority. As we submit ourselves to others, we reveal our transformed lives in gracious and kind-hearted servant submission to those in authority. This aligns us with Jesus who suffered…

The People of God as God’s Dwelling Place of Honor and Glory (1 Peter 2:4-12)

Those who entrust themselves to Jesus and believe the good news are being formed into the very dwelling place of God Most High. This house of God is a place of glory and honor, set apart to serve the Lord and offer the acceptable sacrifices of love, mercy, prayer, and rejoicing. The people of God…