Sermons on Resurrection

Sermons on Resurrection

Witnesses of the Resurrection (Acts 1:15-26)

With Christianity, the doctrinal foundations, the testimony to the baptism, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, Son of God, are testified to by 12 authentic witnesses, who themselves are testified to by at least 120 other witnesses. When a person considers the way of life initiated by the resurrected Jesus, they find an attested, reliable, verified,…

Living Free in the Power of the Resurrection (Philippians 3:1-11)

Gordan Fee sums up this passage by saying, the Christian life “means to be finished with one’s religious past as having value before God or as a means of right relationship with God; it means to trust wholly in Christ as God’s means to righteousness. But such righteousness has as its ultimate aim…

Fully Surrendered Faith (Genesis 22:1-24)

“God demands faith fully surrendered, willing to forfeit everything to trust and obey.” Dr. Jordan Neil Rogers (preaching on Genesis 22) Genesis chapter 22, a chapter of which you are all generally familiar, challenges our notions regarding faith, as God asks Abraham to offer up his very own son Isaac, as a sacrifice. Faith is often short-changed, not given its full due.…