Sermons on Glory

Sermons on Glory

Redeeming Our Days (Psalm 90:1-17)

This year, look to Christ. Look upon God’s steadfast love. And look by faith. Believing upon a Savior powerful enough to cry out with his last breath in crucifixion and walk glorified from the grave. In Christ, the glorious power of God’s work is shown to his servants; a work of power bringing restoration of joy and gladness to evil days, for in Christ, we experience…

Heaven as the Hope for Mission (Revelation 7:9-17)

In a sealed future, the King dwells in all his fullness with a multitude of redeemed people who washed themselves clean in the blood of the Lamb This is not merely a statement of future hope, as though we simply sit around looking forward to that day. More than that, John’s revelation necessitates…

The Christmas King (Luke 2:1-20)

“Don’t let the meekness of the nativity fool you, or it’s nostalgia and sentimentality dull your understanding. The birth of Jesus is an act of war. The begotten Son arrives to lay claim to his throne. To declare his supremacy. Understand, Psalm 2 is being fulfilled. Jesus is the rightful heir to the throne. In Jesus, God declares his rule over kings and rulers,…

Beholding the Glory of the Lord in Jesus (Luke 9:18-36)

A true confession of Jesus always goes through the cross and understands Jesus to be Lord and Christ (Anointed Savior). A confession of Jesus as Lord and Christ involves following Him as Lord and Christ. Since Christ’s mission went through a cross, so also will ours. As we turn away from our…

Rejoicing in Suffering (Colossians 1:24-2:5)

Paul begins this passage by saying he “rejoices in his sufferings.” Is Paul insane? Aren’t sufferings something to be avoided at all costs? Doesn’t the loving God want me to have pain and affliction-free life? Perhaps we need to change our perspective on suffering and affliction. Romans 5 says that suffering PRODUCES endurance, character, and hope.…