Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

Seeing the Glory of a Crucified King (Luke 18:31-43)

Jesus says that eternal life is to know (have a relationship with) him. Part of knowing God and being in a relationship with him means following Jesus. We don’t just follow the King, we follow a crucified King. To truly live the Christian life, one must follow the crucified life, being formed…

Salvation is for the Unrighteous (Luke 18:9-14)

A fundamental truth of Christianity is that Jesus came to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15), that is, people who are unrighteous and living in sin. Unfortunately, the opposite is often communicated. Many people have it in their minds that Jesus saves those who are worthy of being saved. This passage in…

Hope for Weary Hearts (Luke 18:1-8)

In this passage, Jesus gives his disciples the “secret” to living the Christian life without “losing heart”…persevering prayer. The disciples are commanded to pray at all times. They are to understand that the Christian life can only be lived and succeeded in by relying on the power of God moment by moment. Amazingly, the Apostle Paul who…

The Righteousness of Reverent and Joyful Praise (Luke 17:11-19)

In this passage, Jesus heals 10 lepers of their affliction. However, only one leper, a Samaritan, is revealed to truly understand what has been accomplished for him. Out of the 10, he is the only one who turns to Jesus in praise, praising Him for for His goodness. If we see and understand what has…