The Blessed Life of Salt and Light Living (Matthew 5:1-16)

The Blessed Life of Salt and Light Living (Matthew 5:1-16)

Salt and light living come as we live out the blessed life, visibly, contagiously, in power, with joy, among the peoples around us. Salt flavored and preserved food. It made and kept the food worth eating. So also, for Christian living in the world. A life set upon the Beatitudes reveals to the world a life worth living. And such a life must be lived radiantly before the world as a light set on a hill for all to see.

Jesus himself lived this life. We have his example. And Jesus died and rose to bring us to the Father and empower us by his Spirit to live out his life over and over again with the people around us.

Jesus claims to himself be the light of the world, and yet here he bestows that distinctions on his followers. Paul declares the redeemed people of God, in Christ, alive by the Spirit, to be the “body of Christ.” To do what? Live out the Christ-one life. Christian life. The Christian life is the life that bears witness to blessed life, the life spoken and lived by Jesus himself.

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