Living in Righteousness When Darkness Approaches (Luke 22:47-53)

Living in Righteousness When Darkness Approaches (Luke 22:47-53)

What we have seen in this passage, is that Jesus has prepared his soul through the heavy labor of prayer and is able to encounter his captors in a state of composed mastery, with a sovereign display of mercy and compassion towards those consumed by darkness. The disciples, on the other hand, abdicated their responsibility to prayer, and so find themselves in a state of agitation and bewilderment and are quickly enveloped by the power of darkness that seeks to destroy the Messiah. The disciples respond to their enemies in violence, while Jesus responds with mercy, compassion, and healing.

The difference between a person doing the will of God and living by the foolishness of man is a person who carries their prayer-saturated relationship with God into the darkness.

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