To Know the Truth (Page 4)

To Know the Truth (Page 4)

Entrance Is Through The Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-30)

As Jesus travels along, the people of Israel are having difficulty embracing the words of Jesus. Jesus has been preaching repentance and judgment with the indication that many out of Israel might not be saved. Someone in the crowds asks Jesus if it will really only be a few saved. Jesus responds…

Repent or Perish! (Luke 13:1-9)

In the opening passage from Luke 13, Jesus responds to some in the crowds who thought they were not sinners because others had suffered more. They reasoned that since God is just, those who suffer must be great sinners. However, Jesus reveals this line of reasoning to be false and rooted in self-righteousness. The reality is that each and everyone will perish without…

Do Not Be Anxious (Luke 12:22-34)

In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples to not be anxious or worried about whether or not the they will have the basic provisions of life. In contrast to the wealthy man who built up a temporary treasure but was left eternally impoverished, the follower of Jesus is free to make the Kingdom of God their priority, knowing that God, the good father, will provide all…

A Story of Eternal Poverty (Luke 12:13-21)

Covetousness is a deceptively sneaky sin. It creeps in unannounced with potentially devastating consequences. Therefore, Jesus warns us to be on guard against all forms of covetousness. We would be wise to find our riches in God lest we enter into eternity and find our earthly possessions have left us eternally impoverished.

The Pharisee Within (Luke 11:37-54)

Pharisees are an enigma. No one admits to being one but everybody seems to know who they are. Pharisees are never us, they are always someone else. But Jesus has a unique way of accurately assessing the human heart. We all need to hear the words of Jesus because in the end, perhaps we all have a little Pharisee in us. True repentance, that is, giving away our deepest sin…

The Broken Vending Machine (Luke 11:1-13)

Sometimes it seems as though God is broken. We put in the right change. Pressed the right buttons. But God didn’t give us what we asked for. God is not broken. He is not a vending machine. He is a holy Father who loves His children and is always pleased to give His children good gifts. Sit at the feet of Jesus to learn how we communicate and relate to our mighty,…

Showing Hospitality to Jesus (Luke 10:48-52)

In this story, we learn what it means to show true hospitality to Jesus Christ, Kings of Kings. We are to be people who welcome Jesus into our lives by sitting at His feet, with eager ears and attentive minds. Though He does not walk physically on earth, we welcome Him when we give our time to His Word to be spoken to us through preaching and by coming to His Word daily…