The God Who Protects His Promises (Genesis 20:1-18)

The God Who Protects His Promises (Genesis 20:1-18)

Abraham pursued a course of action that seemed wise to him and yet endangered the promise of God (from a human perspective). And yet God took the exertions of man and forged them into something different, something unexpected, something accomplished by God’s sovereign design.

Paul assesses this event and others like it and concludes in Romans 8:28 that, we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

God doesn’t just take the pre-formed pieces of a puzzle and put them together. He takes a seeming haphazard amalgam of human determinations and forms them into something that fits his own desires.

This is good news. And it exists because of the good news. A promise that hinged upon God’s own Son, the Christ who would assume the nails of the cross for the forgiveness of sins and walk forth from the tomb, resurrected for the promise of new life.

It is the good news. God’s best news. And if this news could be thwarted, then it’s not good news. And if God has no good news, well, this world really is all you have. But no plan of God can be thwarted.

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