Sermons on Forgiveness of Sin (Page 2)

Sermons on Forgiveness of Sin (Page 2)

Repent or Perish! (Luke 13:1-9)

In the opening passage from Luke 13, Jesus responds to some in the crowds who thought they were not sinners because others had suffered more. They reasoned that since God is just, those who suffer must be great sinners. However, Jesus reveals this line of reasoning to be false and rooted in self-righteousness. The reality is that each and everyone will perish without…

The Broken Vending Machine (Luke 11:1-13)

Sometimes it seems as though God is broken. We put in the right change. Pressed the right buttons. But God didn’t give us what we asked for. God is not broken. He is not a vending machine. He is a holy Father who loves His children and is always pleased to give His children good gifts. Sit at the feet of Jesus to learn how we communicate and relate to our mighty,…
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