Posts from 2016

Posts from 2016

Walking by Faith

Good morning, A lot has changed in less than a week. In the period of a few days we received “eviction” notice from new owners, held our last service at Amber’s, and moved all our equipment into storage. We have been pursuing any and all options but nothing substantial has opened up to us. I am reminded of two passages. First, a single verse from…

Psalm 73 – A Devotional

  Have you ever wondered why unbelievers, the wicked, the unrighteous seem to prosper and those who name the name of Jesus as their Savior seem to struggle? Be honest.  You are not alone.  It is a question as old as mankind. Job, who suffered the loss of everything in his life, asked “Why do the wicked grow old and increase in power?” Jeremiah, the suffering servant,…