Exaltation for the Humble, Shame for the Proud (Luke 14:1-14)

Exaltation for the Humble, Shame for the Proud (Luke 14:1-14)

On the Sabbath, in the presence of the Pharisees, Jesus heals a man with a dropsy, a physical condition where the soft tissue of the body massively swelled with water probably due to severe heart disease (perhaps liver or kidney failure). Jesus uses the opportunity to reveal that the Pharisees are the ones with a spiritual dropsy. Their minds and hearts are swollen with conceit. Their actions, each trying to sit in the seat of honor at the feast, reveal that their concern is solely for themselves. Their pride has so blinded them that they can’t even see the needs of the man with a severe ailment sitting in their midst. They only see him as a worthless person to be used as a pawn. Due to their arrogance, they will miss out on God’s kingdom and be cast down in shame in the presence of all.

Pride is a serious sin that corrupts people. It leads only to shame and destruction.

James 4:6 Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Pride is a delusion. It blinds a person while giving them the illusion that they actually see. Therefore, we must often submit to a “heart exam.” We must diligently look for evidence of pride in our own lives that we can confess it to God.

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